Monday, October 28, 2013

Baby shower/ wedding/ Halloween party

Kommandants niece is having the very first great great grand baby and they wanted to get the baby shower thrown for her. Then it turned into a wedding. It was beautiful and J was happy. We had a great time. Everyone had a good time and then it was time to do gifts and she got a LOT of loot. They were really happy and we got over 700 pictures for Kommandants mom, J mom and even us. We were really happy that we got to send the day there and having a good time. Kommandant sister gave me a cup and she said to drink it and walked away. I asked what it was and she didn't answer I took a sip and she gave me some wine and it was 11:00 in the morning. I spend all day drinking wine. 😳

Later that night we were running around Kennewick picking up kommandant sisters dogs and getting her house back in order and I meet the father or kommandant sibling and he was a really nice man, his wife wasn't that nice. She just seemed like she didn't want to be aaa part of anything and she really didn't like having us (kommandant and myself) in their home. That's what I got from that visit. On the way home to kommandant sisters house we were talking and the subject came across Kommandants father. We hadn't heard anything from him in years that I know. Kommandant sister had found him and was sending Christmas cards to him. I guess from what she had told us kommandant fathers wife doesn't care for kommandant sister even though all the story's that I hear of kommandant time in Germany were that his sister and mom lived there and his father adored them. So we got kommandant address and kommandant wants to write a Lester and he wants to enclude a letter from me. I have no clue what to put. I really don't know what to put and what to say to a man that I don't know and I only hear one sided story's about him from time to time.

Sunday kommandant had made a store Halloween party and he had to be there at 7 pm.  You would think we would be on time when we left Kennewick at a decent time. We we're suppose to drop kommandant mom at the wild horse and her sister and husband we're suppose to give her a ride home. We'll the night before the husband lost all the money that he set aside for himself and he was not a happy camper and they left Saturday night. So we have to take kommandant mom home. Not a big problem I was more then happy to so that. Kommandant said to drop him off at home and I would take kommandant mom home. We had to stop at the store and grab a couple of things. Again not a problem, it would come close to time to take kommandant to the store. I get her home and the car unpacked and by the time we were done it was 6:40 pm. I had to race back to the house and take kommandant to the store after hauling a big ass tv (that isn't mine and a couple of crushed fingers and sore hands) out to the car. We get to the store at 7:20. Kommandant isn't really happy because if everything went to plan we would have been on time.

I went home after I dropped kommandant off and took a shower and realized that I had spent over half the day driving. I was tired. I went back to the store and took the popcorn maker. I don't know why I got to make the popcorn. I made like 8 rounds of popcorn and tried to burn my hands because the popcorn maker has a broken handle and the cord was really hot. I went and watched 2 Halloween movies.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday: 04/19/2013

Today work was okay. They put in that you have to make people download something before you really help them with what their problem is. At first i was not okay with it because it was the way that the present the information to me. I really didn't want to do it. but i have to because it is my job. today we found out that instead of having 1 boss to work with us we have 3. but we only really talk with one of them and he oversees us, so pretty much it is one boss really? i don't get it either.

Today was pretty uneventful. I really didn't do anything. I was suppose to make a Peanut butter thing for Grilltech, but i can't really keep my eyes open. I am just ready for bed.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday: 04/18/2013

Last night i did not want to go bed. i just wanted to just sit there and read the book that i have been trying to get done for the last couple of days. When i finally fell asleep i did not notice that Kommandant had came to bed.

This morning i got to work and saw a co-worker that i haven't seen in a while. we chatted for a while because she managed to lock herself out of her computer. I took some good calls. My final call was all she wanted to do was talk to my supervisor.

I got off work and went and saw Kommandant. I made him have dinner with me. We had jack in the box. i am getting my fix for the jack in the box before they take my sandwich that i like so much away. Tonight he is gaming and it was on the calendar. I am just going to lay around the house and watch some television and read my book.

I think this next month i am going to give up drinking. Now not to make me sound like an alcoholic i have Vodka, Gin, Scotch that i haven't touched since i got it a couple of months ago. i need to find homes for them because i don't want to just dump them down the drain and i really don't want to drink them. the only reason is because i don't do it often and it has just been sitting there and if i am not going to drink it why is it in the house. (the roommates don't drink any of the hard liquor. D just drinks beer, and Kommandant doesn't really drink any unless we are out with friends).

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday: 04/17/2013

Today was my lazy day where i really didn't have to do anything all day. i did my hair and did some make-up and it was really fun and i took pictures that i posted on facebook. almost everyone thought that i cut it and got it styled. i did trim it and just left it down. Kommandant thought that i had dyed my hair again. NOPE i just left it along and put in leave in conditioner.

I went and saw Knittech and we went to the Cheesecake Factory. it was really good. the cheesecake was very chocolatey and good. next week we are going to go knit with one of Knittech's friends. We are going to a sandwich place that the last time i went for Kommandant we were not impressed but i am giving it another shot. While i was at the Tech house i did take back the suit case that Knittech lent me for my trip back in March.

Kommandant called me while i was at the Tech house and said that he was done at work and wanted me to come get him. I got there and he was working on something. I stayed there for a little bit and talked with some of the regulars. One of them was making fun of my hair because it puffed out. I told him to stop and he stopped and walked away. A Girl Scout girl came into the store and was offering the crack to anyone that wanted some. Kommandant and one of the employees came and got a box of cookies.

When Kommandant finally left the shop we came home for a moment and then went to the big Dog Park and I sent out text messages to people and they couldn't make it or they didn't answer the text message. it was okay because we were out there and if they couldn't make it to the dog park it was all good because we didn't go out for them we went for Havoc and Mayhem.

I get to go to work tomorrow and work till 4:30. that is my fun day where the time goes really quickly. i get to pester my boss and see if he changed my Monday to the earlier time. I didn't want the 8:00 am time but that was the only option and i will take it because i don't enjoy the getting off at 6:00 on Mondays. Hopefully i don't get crappy calls all day, When i get off Kommandant is going to be gaming.

We got a calendar and got all the things that we are going to be doing for the rest of the month. I went through next month and marked my days that i go to lunch with Knittech so that he can't say i did not have it planed. I just have to get Kommandant to give me end times for the things that he wants, and i have to get him to commit to the end times that he chooses. the only day that i really don't care about is the Saturdays because i work late that day and we normally don't have anything planed for it.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


So last night I managed to clean the room a little bit. I got all the cups that were from the gas station removed. I made Kommandant take all the trash that I got and made him take it outside. He has a tendency to do half the work. Yay go me!!

Last night Kommandant wanted to watch the Hobbit. We got to the part where Gandoff met the main character ( sorry do t know the names or I spelled the names right). We both feel asleep at the same time.

I have baby induced sleep I dreamed that I was a surrogate for one of friends. Then I dreamed that I lost a child in a maze. That one really freaked me out.

Work was okay. I took a lot of calls that were I want to make a payment or why is my bill so high. One of the calls were I want to know how to download onto my phone. I wanted the customer through the hole process and she did not understand that you have to check the email when it says that they are going to email the verification for the terms and conditions of the apple id. I told the customer that we wanted to talk to apple about making the id because it is their product. I spent an hour on walking the customer thought that. I guess someone needed to walked the cuter thought and hold her hand through the whole process.

Kommandant is working late on Tuesdays. He is training the new person. He told me about it and I guess I forgot about it. Guess I need to get that calendar that Grilltech was talking about so I won't forget that he is going to be working or has something he needs to do.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday: 04/15/2013

Today has been somewhat a good day. at work time flew by. I talked with my boss to see if i could get Monday mornings. hopefully by next week i may be starting my mornings at 8 am. That is going to be good because i don't like leaving work late on those days.

I have been in somewhat of a cleaning mood. i have been slowly working on my room. i have been making Kommandant take  out the trash because if i leave the room i will stop cleaning the room. I do need to grab the vacuum cleaner.  I haven't vacuumed the room pretty much since we moved in last March. I have been trying to get into the cleaning mode again in the kitchen but i really don't want to do the dishes of the whole house. I have been told that we just need to make a list of weeks for people to do the dishes and it just doesn't work because all the complaints that are voiced are 'they are not my dishes why should i have to do them?' I just got so feed up with it i stopped doing them all and it back up so bad that Kommandant started to do them.

Knittech and i went shopping the other day and found out that Mothers day is coming fast. I wanted to do something for her and Kommandant's mom again like we did last year. I asked Kommandant if he wanted to do something like that again and he said that he would think about it. he did not get back to me quick enough so i just took it into my hands and made the event and looked around to see what i could come up with.

Yesterday Knittech and Grilltech and i went out to lunch with Grandfather. Kommandant ran a 40k event and he said that he had some fun running the event. This morning for Kommandant did not want to go to work because for the last couple of days he went into work and did some kind of work. Saturday he spent  most of the day there and went to play games and then got a phone call half way through from the shop that he had to go back and clean up a mess one of the employees did not want to clean up. I wouldn't blame him because i really didn't want to be there while Kommandant cleaned it up.

Friday i was suppose to bring Grilltech some Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars. Guess when i get paid again i need to make him some of these so that he would stop saying that i don't bring him any good things to eat.