Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Freaking Wednesday

 I just got my first call about my driving. Apparently I cut someone off and they called the number on the back of my car. 

Awesome now I have a point on my work driving record. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Suck it Tuesday

 It’s only the second day of the week and I’m already done. This morning I come in and make my 2 runs that need to be done right away.

After the runs Boss asked if I wanted to check in stock (it was something I haven’t done before), normally Drinkie does it but since he is out for 2 weeks I’m learning things that he does. I start working about 9am. I had to do so many runs that as noon I felt like I couldn’t do the runs and checking in stock. (I’m not the only driver today. We have Witch (she doesn’t like driving because she wants to only do the front counter.) but she refuses to drive unless she absolutely has to.

Boss said ok and he finished checking in stock for me while I was on a long run. He said I could try again tomorrow. 

I cannot wait for Monday to come. That’s when drinkie comes back.

Drinkie has been out since last week. His step mother was exposed, and he was around her so he had to stay at home just in case. What does that have to do with me you ask? That means I get overtime and shorter lunches because basically I’m the only driver (witch hates driving and I get to do it).