Friday, August 17, 2012

Thank goodness it's Friday

This week has been stressful because of the shift bid. We were suppose to know what are shifts are on Wednesday. I learned that my shift did change but I don't know when it is suppose to be. They said that it would be in the system by now and I still haven't seen it yet.
Well today I was talking to Kommandant and some friends and we were talking about what Kommandant wants for his birthday. Well now kommandant wants to get enough money pulled together so he can go to the feast of blades thing that is happening in October. He is going to talk to the guys that are already going and he wants to go with them and pay for some gas and part of the hotel and get into the convention.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Well yesterday was really stressful. I put in my shift bids. Only had to fill out 20 of the shifts that I wanted. I kept telling my sup that I needed the paper work and she kept saying that she would get it to me. Half my day went by and I got nothing, then another sup came by asking if we all got the packets for the shift bids. At least it got done.
I hopefully will know what my shift is going to be at the end of today or the end of the week.
Yesterday was the national lefty day an I didn't gloat about it. I told Kommandant about it and he said "every other day is righty day".

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I'm so ready for it to be the weekend. I don't want to go to work an hour early I just want to be working my 8 hour shift and not this 9 hour one. I just have to get through this week and then next week is going to be better.
So kommandant bought his birthday preset that I wanted to get him. I was talking to knittech about what to get him and we had decided on the robot thing for war hammer and then kommandant got it the other day because "no one was going to buy it for me". I told him that I didn't know what I wanted to get him and he shouldn't buy anything. Oh well he wants a board game or a mini for a game he plays. I am thinking that I can get him both of those and it would make him happy.
Kommandants family is coming at the end of the month for a camping trip and I requested the time off. All the time off I requested was declined because of "project demands". I only requested 2 days off. I just found out if you request a Friday off it would automatically get declined because that is a black out day and no one gets it off.
I found out yesterday that the company is extending the hours of operation on the weekends and everyone is going into shift bids. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I want to stay on nights but I want to have Sunday and Monday's off. It would be cool to have 2 days off with kommandant.