Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Curry Chicken

Here is a recipe i am going to make for Kommandant. He LOVES Curry Chicken and there is 1 place in town that he really loves going to but we only go rarely.




  • Work has not picked up, it slowed down even more. Kids are back in "school" so parent's are not bringing the kids to the mall. Tuesdays at the mall are the worst because even when it isn't a nightmare it's the slowest day of the week normally.
  • I got a call yesterday that i didn't answer because i was working and i normally don't answer calls that i don't know who is calling. yesterday i didn't get a voicemail. This morning i got a voicemail marked that it was from yesterday (my phone LIES). I applied for a job to drive for O'Reilly's auto parts. At first i got an email saying that they filled the position and they didn't need me at all. It surprised me when i got the voicemail this morning. I called back and they said they were in deseprite need of people to work for the store near the mall. He set the interview up for tomorrow at 9am.  We'll just have to see how it is going to go tomorrow.