Monday, October 28, 2013

Baby shower/ wedding/ Halloween party

Kommandants niece is having the very first great great grand baby and they wanted to get the baby shower thrown for her. Then it turned into a wedding. It was beautiful and J was happy. We had a great time. Everyone had a good time and then it was time to do gifts and she got a LOT of loot. They were really happy and we got over 700 pictures for Kommandants mom, J mom and even us. We were really happy that we got to send the day there and having a good time. Kommandant sister gave me a cup and she said to drink it and walked away. I asked what it was and she didn't answer I took a sip and she gave me some wine and it was 11:00 in the morning. I spend all day drinking wine. 😳

Later that night we were running around Kennewick picking up kommandant sisters dogs and getting her house back in order and I meet the father or kommandant sibling and he was a really nice man, his wife wasn't that nice. She just seemed like she didn't want to be aaa part of anything and she really didn't like having us (kommandant and myself) in their home. That's what I got from that visit. On the way home to kommandant sisters house we were talking and the subject came across Kommandants father. We hadn't heard anything from him in years that I know. Kommandant sister had found him and was sending Christmas cards to him. I guess from what she had told us kommandant fathers wife doesn't care for kommandant sister even though all the story's that I hear of kommandant time in Germany were that his sister and mom lived there and his father adored them. So we got kommandant address and kommandant wants to write a Lester and he wants to enclude a letter from me. I have no clue what to put. I really don't know what to put and what to say to a man that I don't know and I only hear one sided story's about him from time to time.

Sunday kommandant had made a store Halloween party and he had to be there at 7 pm.  You would think we would be on time when we left Kennewick at a decent time. We we're suppose to drop kommandant mom at the wild horse and her sister and husband we're suppose to give her a ride home. We'll the night before the husband lost all the money that he set aside for himself and he was not a happy camper and they left Saturday night. So we have to take kommandant mom home. Not a big problem I was more then happy to so that. Kommandant said to drop him off at home and I would take kommandant mom home. We had to stop at the store and grab a couple of things. Again not a problem, it would come close to time to take kommandant to the store. I get her home and the car unpacked and by the time we were done it was 6:40 pm. I had to race back to the house and take kommandant to the store after hauling a big ass tv (that isn't mine and a couple of crushed fingers and sore hands) out to the car. We get to the store at 7:20. Kommandant isn't really happy because if everything went to plan we would have been on time.

I went home after I dropped kommandant off and took a shower and realized that I had spent over half the day driving. I was tired. I went back to the store and took the popcorn maker. I don't know why I got to make the popcorn. I made like 8 rounds of popcorn and tried to burn my hands because the popcorn maker has a broken handle and the cord was really hot. I went and watched 2 Halloween movies.

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