Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday: 04/17/2013

Today was my lazy day where i really didn't have to do anything all day. i did my hair and did some make-up and it was really fun and i took pictures that i posted on facebook. almost everyone thought that i cut it and got it styled. i did trim it and just left it down. Kommandant thought that i had dyed my hair again. NOPE i just left it along and put in leave in conditioner.

I went and saw Knittech and we went to the Cheesecake Factory. it was really good. the cheesecake was very chocolatey and good. next week we are going to go knit with one of Knittech's friends. We are going to a sandwich place that the last time i went for Kommandant we were not impressed but i am giving it another shot. While i was at the Tech house i did take back the suit case that Knittech lent me for my trip back in March.

Kommandant called me while i was at the Tech house and said that he was done at work and wanted me to come get him. I got there and he was working on something. I stayed there for a little bit and talked with some of the regulars. One of them was making fun of my hair because it puffed out. I told him to stop and he stopped and walked away. A Girl Scout girl came into the store and was offering the crack to anyone that wanted some. Kommandant and one of the employees came and got a box of cookies.

When Kommandant finally left the shop we came home for a moment and then went to the big Dog Park and I sent out text messages to people and they couldn't make it or they didn't answer the text message. it was okay because we were out there and if they couldn't make it to the dog park it was all good because we didn't go out for them we went for Havoc and Mayhem.

I get to go to work tomorrow and work till 4:30. that is my fun day where the time goes really quickly. i get to pester my boss and see if he changed my Monday to the earlier time. I didn't want the 8:00 am time but that was the only option and i will take it because i don't enjoy the getting off at 6:00 on Mondays. Hopefully i don't get crappy calls all day, When i get off Kommandant is going to be gaming.

We got a calendar and got all the things that we are going to be doing for the rest of the month. I went through next month and marked my days that i go to lunch with Knittech so that he can't say i did not have it planed. I just have to get Kommandant to give me end times for the things that he wants, and i have to get him to commit to the end times that he chooses. the only day that i really don't care about is the Saturdays because i work late that day and we normally don't have anything planed for it.

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