Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Forgotten post

Friday: I worked and the day was a normal day with working with the Boss man. After work I went to knittechs house and we did dinner and we played Mario on the wii. Kommandant and grilltech went to the game store because it was board game weekend. So I knew I wouldn't get to see Kommandant much. 

Saturday: Kommandant went to the shop while I was at work and played games. I worked and then called him to come get me because he took the car. He was late coming to get me. I told him to be outside at 3 and he left the shop at 3. So there was a little bit of waiting. He went back to the shop and played more games and I went to knittech and grilltechs house and hung out with them for a little bit and then went home. 

Sunday: the morning was okay because I didn't have to be to work till 10:45 so I could slack off for a little bit. Kommandant was going to stay home and work on cleaning the room. He got a call from a friend that he was going to meet up with and play games with. So he went off and did that after we had a chat with him because I hadn't seen him in a while and it was nice seeing him.

At work I worked for 4 hours got off and got to see Kommandant while he played games and got information from our friend of house to get the roommates out. He is a lawyer and wanted to make sure they if anything went wrong that he would help us. I had to go back to work because we have a redisplay that is taking forever and we moved sections of the store around. It's a pain in the butt. Before I left Kommandant I asked him to talk to the roommates. He went home and sent 4 hours sitting at the kitchen table waiting for them to have this talk but they had friends over and Kommandant is nice and he waits for the right time. It never happened because they snuck off to bed before Kommandant could say anything to them. 

Monday: I had to come into work for a little bit to finish the redisplay that we have been working on. I went home at 10ish and Kommandant wanted to get some food and I wanted to talk to the travel agent to get the costs of the cruise and flight and hotel. We got home and the mooch was there and she wanted to know if she could get a ride to work. I said I would but we needed to talk. We had the talk and now we are keeping the dogs away from the house while we aren't there. We just don't want to chance something happening to them.

The timeline for them to move is April 30th. So only 16 more days!!

 I got an email saying that the cruise ship is an older model and the balconies are a lot more. But she is looking at the information about it and we are going to be getting a call for an appointment. 

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