Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 2

So Kommandant and i went to the dog park and they are going to be putting in new "wood chips". It's pretty much lawn clippings, pine needles, and garbage. We discovered this when someone that was there with their dog looked at it and found out and told us and told us to call the governors office and complain about it and see what happens..
I just finished my assessment for the new job that i want to get that gives me full time.. Knittech told me that it's a temp agency. I should have known by the name that they have.
The kitchen got cleaned up the other day. Kommandant and i did it. I want to thank him for doing most of it, I was just too lazy to do all that he did.. other then the kitchen getting done the living room got cleaned up and that's about it for cleaning.
I worked today and it wasn't a really long shift that i thought it was going to be. When i got off i called and called Kommandant and he didn't answer but he did get me a sandwich, which i really enjoyed.
Kommandant found my cat earrings that i haven't seen or heard from since we got married. They were hiding in a box of trading cards that he put into storage and just forgot about. then the other day he was cleaning up some boxes and he found cards so he took them to work and started going through them, and bam they where there.
I talked my sister and she was knitting and just talking and talking and talking, and then she had to go because of some reason or another.
well that's it for now i'm going to play with facebook and then go to bed.

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