Thursday, August 27, 2020

Kommandant's Birthday and work

  •  Kommandant's birthday was yesterday, he got a couple of gifts that he really enjoyed. I really wanted to get him a new phone, but he didn't want to get one (in the past he has said that he wanted to upgrade because he has an older phone and wouldn't mind getting the newer one). Since he didn't want a new phone i then thought he would enjoy a new iPad. we were looking at Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Fred Meyers (Apple is currently closed and we don't know when it is coming back) everywhere is out of the one he wants. Fred Meyers had 2 but Kommandant didn't want one of those because he wanted the one with bigger memory for the same price as the one we found. So we are going to wait till closer to Christmas (Black Friday) to see sales of the iPads (Maybe both of us upgrading the iPads)
  •  We did gaming and cake at the store after work. He had a good time, a bunch of his friends showed up. Kommandant didn't come back home till 1 in the morning.
  • Work has been painfully slow. Customers are not coming into the store and when they do they don't buy anything. they just want to look around (because their person is in another store and they don't want to be with them) and touch board games. Customer also come into the store and ask if we have any specials going on (i get that people don't have a lot of money because just like them i am not working a lot and don't have money to just spend on anything i want).

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